How to Apply and Instructions

How to Apply and Instructions [ARCHIVED CONTENT]

Important Information

All candidates who wish to be considered for appointment as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada must complete this Questionnaire. In addition to the completion of this Questionnaire, all candidates must submit the attachments requested in PART 7, and PART 8, if applicable. In order for their Application Package to be considered complete, candidates must submit it by e-mail to the Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs (OCFJA) at the following address: The Application Package will consist of the following documents sent in multiple e-mails in the manner indicated below:

If possible, these first three documents should be sent in one e-mail.

AND, in separate e-mails:

  • five decisions, legal documents or publications (see Part 7, Skills Assessment)

  • relevant documentation (if applicable) (see Part 8)

NOTE 1: The subject line of all e-mails should read as follows: SSC Nomination Process - <Last Name, First Name>. (Ex. SCC Nomination Process - Doe, Jane)

NOTE 2: Candidates must provide their responses within the space provided within the Questionnaire, except as specifically provided above.

Please DO NOT provide any of the following: reference letters, photographs, separate curriculum vitae.

Please note: It is strongly recommended that candidates inform themselves of any e-mail size restrictions that are imposed by their Internet Service Providers (ex. Courthouse-provided e-mail system, Rogers, Bell, etc.) as this may cause technical difficulties in transmitting large documents to OCFJA. If candidates experience technical difficulties when attempting to submit their Questionnaire, they should contact the FJA Service Desk (1-888-495-8849) for immediate assistance. OCFJA will issue a confirmation message to acknowledge receipt of all e-mails that are successfully received.

Additional information is available on the Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Website.

Privacy Notice

All information collected in an Application Package is collected by OCFJA for the Independent Board for Supreme Court of Canada Judicial Appointments (Advisory Board), pursuant to the authority conferred by the Order in Council establishing the Advisory Board. The personal information collected is used to support the Advisory Board's mandate to assess applications received from candidates and provide a list of qualified candidates to the Prime Minister for appointment as Justices of the Supreme Court of Canada. Personal information collected is protected in conformity with the Privacy Act. The personal information collected may be used and disclosed to other government institutions and organizations, including the Privy Council Office, the Department of Justice and the Office of the Prime Minister as well as to third parties, for the purposes of this assessment and the recommendation of candidates for appointment. Personal information collected may be used and disclosed for other purposes in conformity with the Privacy Act. In any other instance, personal information will only be used or disclosed with the consent of the individual.

While confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible, if a candidate is chosen as the nominee of the Prime Minister, it is important to be aware of the fact that it is intended that at that time the information, including personal information, contained in PARTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 of this Questionnaire is to be disclosed to the public. The nominee will be asked to consent to the release of any personal information contained in those Parts prior to its release.


Only Application packages received by the deadline will be considered by the Advisory Board. It is the responsibility of candidates to ensure that their applications are complete and that all materials have been successfully delivered to the OCFJA no later than 23:59 Pacific Daylight Time on August 24, 2016. Late or incomplete application packages may not be considered by the Advisory Board.
